
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

FCAP April Photo Scavenger Hunt

I am loving the monthly photo scavenger hunts over at the Franklin County Area Photographers Blog!!  So much fun!  You do not have to be a professional to participate, it's all about creativity and fun!  Here are my April submissions along with the "inspiration word" for each one.
"Bloom" My rose bush, on this day, had several buds that were getting ready to bloom!

"Glass" This is glass, mosaic stepping stone in my neighbor's flower bed. So pretty!

"Purple" I had so many options for this category, but I wanted a unique perspective. My kiddo has purple "flip-flop shoes" as she calls them. Also, purple represents royalty and my kids are princesses that belong to our Lord ... thus I thought it appropriate to use them in some way :)

"Three" Surprisingly, I had trouble with this one.  I was pondering it when I happen to notice a stack of cinder blocks in my neighbor's yard.  Switch it to black and white, and I love it!

"Delicious" The first thing I thought of was dessert. Where to find a delicious dessert? Creations by Laura, 3 S. Oak St. in Union!  She had so many yummy items, but I really like this cake in particular ... maybe it's the daisies :)

"Missing" This was not my original idea for this category. One day, while driving by the old shoe factory it hit me!  I love this building in general.  Something about it just makes it so "neat" to me.  I can't put my finger on it.  Anyway, the broken panes of glass have 'Missing' pieces.

"Practice" The MOST DIFFICULT category for me.  I am still not 100% happy with my final entry.  I do love the memory behind this photo though!  Teaching my big girl how to ride with no training wheels!  She practiced up and down the street.  At one point she wrecked and cried for a minute, but got right back on and kept trying!

"Rise" The word rise automatically makes me think of my risen Lord, Jesus Christ.  The symbol of the cross is a reminder that he is risen and alive...just as he promised.

"Stretch" My little gymnast! If this doesn't show "stretch", I don't know what does!  The child sits in the "splits" position for comfort while watching TV!

"Wheel" So many options for this category.  I was thinking wheels on trains, tractors, bicycles ... or maybe a tire swing. It all seemed so obvious.  While driving by the courthouse I noticed little flashes of light ... Pinwheels!!!  Perfect!!

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