
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Awesome Summer Fun - Part 1

For us, Fridays tend to be very busy days.  I have to work and we have our weekly errands to run.  This Friday, I was determined to not allow the day to end with out doing some type of activity with my girls.

Like many grade school children, my oldest is pretty savvy when it comes to electronics.  She knew how to use my iPhone before I did!  She especially likes using it to listen to music, so I created her very own playlist.  We sat together as she picked each song that she wanted to include.

When we were finished with her list, we turned up the volume and had a dance  party!  I came up with some reasons why a dance party is a great activity:
  • Kids love to dance and have a lot of fun doing it
  • Lots of movement makes for good exercise for you and the kids
  • It's just you and the kids, and they think your dance moves are the greatest they've ever seen!
I am pretty confident that our late night dance party (I let them stay up past bed time since it's summer break) will be a lasting memory for my kids.  Someday they'll say, "Mom, remember when we used to stay up late dancing together?"  And I will remember it too.

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